Sunday, September 13, 2009

Journal Entry 2 Contents of my mind during visualisation Exercise

There was not really much content in my mind during my visualisation exercise, however i can see some basic forms, during the exercise, i saw a white wall of flame first, after which the basic form of an eye surfaced on the top right of my mind, and next letters and numbers appeared, the letter Z and number 3. thats all.

The elements that allow me to distingusih these visualisations from my mind is through black and white. My mind is basically a big patch of darkness and the visualisations are like white sparkling shapes that have edges cut off by the darkness, hence i was able to distinguish its final form and categorize it as an object etc. How it works is through the colour difference, the colour of the image appears as white and slowly gets it edges eaten off by dark patches of my mind, and results in an object/shape which i can recognize.

After the visualisation exercise(i did another one at home), it felt weird because i could not find the things i was looking for, i was looking for the blog requirements as well as my blogger site, which i had opened in Internet Explorer earlier on, however i just kept switching between the tabs and took quite a while to realize i was at the page already. I kept alternating between tabs even after i had found what i was looking for(well i didn't know i had found them, it was like i kept searching for something i had found in reality).

the things i love comes as a shape and appears at the center of my mind, as a small object, it appears to be sinking backwards whenever i try to look deeper into my mind, and as for the things i hate, whenever i think about those in my mind, they appear as jpeg images(i dont understand why myself either), as though they are of a different space/dimension, imported as static images into my mind. The space in my mind seems to be treating those images as a seperate object, not of its own world.

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